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Course activities and learner interactions

Kinds of course activities and learner interactions available in online courses

Course activities are all of the exercises, assignments, projects, discussions, and more that allow students to apply their learning and practice their mastery of material from a unit or module. These components in an online course also provide the foundation for the multiple types of interaction in a course, which include learner-to-content, learner-to-learner, and learner-to-instructor.

Opportunities for learning application and interaction should be integrated into the course in a way that enhances and balances the lecture content and other instructional materials. Moreover, course activities should be sequenced appropriately and varied to retain student engagement and interest.

Why is it important?

The online learner benefits substantially from frequent and meaningful opportunities to engage with the content, fellow students, and instructor. Therefore, course activities and opportunities for interaction are critical to learner success in the online environment. Not only do they provide ways for students to apply what they have learned, but they also foster engagement among learners and between learners and the instructor. The most effective activities and interactions stimulate learners cognitively and motivate them to pursue the course’s learning objectives.

How can you put it into practice?

Below are four general steps for implementing online activities and interaction opportunities:

  1. Select learning activities that accomplish objectives.
  2. Use teaching methods that engage students in meaningful activities.
  3. Provide ample opportunity for interaction.
  4. Allow enough time for collaborative or group activities and discussions.

There are many options when selecting activities and interactions for a course. Therefore, it is helpful to consider the following when selecting activities:

Types of interactions

Interactions in the online learning environment fall into three categories: learner-to-content, learner-to-instructor, and learner-to-learner. Each type is uniquely important for student learning and can complement the other two when strategically integrated into a course.

Learner-to-Content interactions are how the learner interacts with the instructional materials in a course.

Learner-to-Instructor interactions are how students and instructors connect throughout the course at numerous and timely points.

  • Private email messages
  • Real-time individual chats
  • Live class webinars
  • Asynchronous discussion forum responses
  • Other feedback mechanisms

Learner-to-Learner interactions are how learners connect with their peers in the context of the course.


activities, learning, interactions, learner, instructor, content, mapping, case, study, absorb, do, connect, horton, critical, thinking, higher-order, assessment,
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Karen S. in Instructional Resources
Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring